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Business media page visits - 4858; followers - 65. Reviews - 1; Articles 1+ "Write an opinion on VICTOR STATIONERY OÜ!"


Juba 4,858 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 65 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.2 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 34 korda.

's activity report 2022

Victor Stationery OÜ was first registered in the Tallinn City Court Registry Department on 21.11.2003.

The main activity of the company is the production of paper products. 100% of the annual sales revenue was made up of product sales, which were entirely exported.

The company's main focus is on product development and production process development, as well as optimizing production systems and reducing waste. Lean principles are applied in all company processes to improve efficiency, also using

Kaizen methodologies (5S, Lean Manufacturing, etc.).

Continued efforts are being made on several cost-saving projects and investments in machines that facilitate production in terms of both quantity and product range.

Victor Stationery OÜ's sales activity does not depend on the season/time of year but is more or less stable throughout the year.

Transactions with suppliers and customers mainly take place in EUR and GBP currencies.

The company assesses the risks associated with changes in exchange rates and interest rates to its operations as low.

Looking at the company's environmental impacts, these are mainly related to the use of natural materials in production. All waste generated from production (including paper and film) is disposed of with the help of qualified partners.

The company also monitors its social or employee-related impacts. Among the employees, workplace norms are followed and the impact of the work environment on employee health is mitigated through safety procedures and personal protective equipment. The company also supports the sports activities of its employees.

The war in Ukraine that broke out on 24.02.2022 does not have a direct impact on the company's operations, as Russia and Ukraine are not significant raw material markets or target markets for production for the company. The indirect impact is not distinguishable from the general change in the economic environment, but possible general impacts on the functioning of supply chains and cost price levels should be taken into account.

The company's management monitors the development of events and acts operationally to minimize risks and ensure the sustainability of the company.



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