Ettevōtte juhtkond, meeskond ja kontaktid
NORDIC HOTELS OÜ hetkeolukord
Juba 4,554 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 63 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.3 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 62 korda.
's activity report 2022
Introduction 2022 was a year of exiting one crisis and entering another. Despite this, it was possible to significantly increase sales revenues compared to the previous year. However, exceptionally high inflation led to a significant decline in profitability and the year ended with a loss.
Revenues, expenses and profit In 2022, Nordic Hotels OÜ's sales revenue amounted to 7,896,078 euros, which is 345% better compared to 2021. Operating expenses amounted to 7,696,439 euros, including labor costs of 2,418,326 euros. The company's balance sheet total was 2,368,420 euros. The year ended with a loss of 96,447 euros in the company.
The board of OÜ Nordic Hotels consisted of two members, Feliks Mägus and Tõnu Puidak. The company employed an average of 91 employees in 2022 (2021: 34). The board members were paid a total of 19,917 euros in 2022 for being board members. The wage cost was a total of 1,811,004 euros and social and unemployment insurance cost was calculated at 607,322 euros.
Financial ratios 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 Formula
Sales revenue 7,896,078 1,775,864 (reporting year sales revenue -
Revenue growth 345% -4% previous year's sales revenue)/ previous year's sales revenue * 100
Net profit/-loss -96,447 -654,147 (reporting year net profit - previous year's
Profit/-loss growth 85% 47% net profit)/previous year's net profit*100
Net profitability -1% -37% net profit/ sales revenue * 100
Short-term obligations current assets/short-term 0.81 0.96 coverage ratio obligations (times)
Assets -4% -28% net profit/assets*100 net profitability(ROA)
Equity -14% -85% net profit/equity*100 net profitability(ROE)
Goals for the next fiscal year The goal for 2023 is to increase sales revenues and improve profitability and to end the year with a profit. We want to continue to be a valued employer and to support the promotion of Estonian culture both at home and abroad.
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