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UD CHEMIE TALLINN OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 1,448 peopleand his is followed by 10 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.5 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
UD Chemie Tallinn OÜ was registered on 24.10.2005 in the Tallinn City Court Registry Department.
The share capital according to the articles of association is 2,556 euros.
In the 2022 financial year, UD Chemie Tallinn OÜ continued to deal with industrial additives.
UD Chemie Tallinn OÜ ended the 2022 financial year with a profit of 329,756 euros.
Main financial ratios: 2022 2021
Sales revenue, EUR: 6,411,014 5,152,125
Revenue growth: 24 % 20 %
Net profit, EUR: 329,756 330,901
Profit growth: 0 % 27 %
Net profitability: 5 % 6 %
Short-term obligations coverage ratio: 6 5
ROA: 11 % 13 %
ROE: 13 % 15 % In the 2022 financial year, UD Chemie Tallinn OÜ had labor costs of 49,868 euros, there were a total of two employees.
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