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Company Story
At ERGONOMIK OÜ, we believe that the environment where you work profoundly influences your productivity, creativity, and well-being. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to crafting office and home office furniture that not only meets the highest standards of ergonomics but also complements the aesthetic of any space.
Our journey began with a simple vision: to create furniture solutions that enhance the way people work and live. We understand that a significant portion of your day is spent interacting with your workspace. Hence, our range of office furnishings is designed to be practical, comfortable, and health-friendly, ensuring that you stay focused and at ease throughout your day.
From bustling restaurants and hotels to serene auditoriums and concert halls, our stylish tables, chairs, and lounge areas are crafted to create a unique and comfortable atmosphere that supports the experiences you offer. Our office equipment and supplies are not just tools; they are the building blocks of a productive and inspiring environment.
When selecting office furniture for your workspace, we encourage you to:
- Focus on ergonomics by choosing furniture that supports the correct sitting and working posture, helping to prevent discomfort and stress while enhancing overall well-being.
- Consider functionality, opting for versatile and adaptable furniture that meets the individual needs of employees and allows for efficient use of space.
- Emphasize visual design, selecting pieces that match the style of your office and create an inspiring atmosphere, fostering creativity and boosting productivity.
For those embracing the work-from-home trend, it's crucial to establish a comfortable and productive home office environment. ERGONOMIK OÜ offers custom-made furniture solutions that cater to your personal space, ensuring that work and personal life harmoniously coexist.
Explore our extensive collection, including office tables, cupboards, pantry boxes, shelves, soft furniture, and outdoor furniture. Each piece is designed with care and precision, tailored to elevate your workspace to new heights.
Join us in redefining comfort and style in the workplace. Discover ERGONOMIK OÜ's commitment to excellence in every piece of furniture we offer. Enhance your space, enhance your life.
Taavi VassermanBoard member, Member of the Executive Board
+372 527 2666+372 642
Company customer opinions
Täpselt 10 aastat tagasi hankisime Ergonomikult väga professionaalse koostöö käigus Kiviõli Seikluskeskusele laias valikus mööblit: admin ruumid, saunad/riietusruumid, kohvik, seminariruumid, laste mänguala. Tänaseni on kogu mööbel endiselt töökorras. Suur tänu!
Toolid on mugavad ja ilusad. Vaipkatet hea hooldada ja on pikki aastaid vastu pidanud.
Transocean Eesti kontori sisustamine koostöös sisekujundaja ning Ergonomiku poolt tarnitud kontorimööbliga läks väga ladusalt.
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