Activity history
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UNELMAUTO AS current status
This company's branding has already reached 4,538 peopleand his is followed by 118 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.8 points.and commented 185 times.
's activity report 2022
Unelmauto AS was established on 04.09.2006 as a joint venture of Amserv Grupi AS and Elke Grupi AS, and the aforementioned companies are the shareholders of the public limited company in equal parts. The main activity of the company is the sale of new and used Lexus vehicles and the maintenance and repair of the said brand. The legal name of the company is Unelmauto
AS, but it is predominantly known as Lexus Tallinn. Unelmauto AS is the only authorized Lexus dealer in Estonia. The location of the sales and service salon is Peterburi tee 1, Tallinn.
Operating environment The main keywords for 2022 were a weakened economic environment and challenges in factory deliveries.
The health crisis of the previous year culminated in a chip crisis, which was accompanied by rising energy prices and accelerated inflation.
The supply difficulties caused by the chip crisis were negatively supplemented by weakened consumer confidence. In the first quarter of 2022,
Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine showed that the crisis is not short-term. This meant that expectations for growth in the car market had to wait for the next periods. In total, 20,426 new passenger cars were sold in Estonia, which meant a decrease of 8.6%. Along with the market, the sale of
Lexus vehicles also fell.
Company focuses The focus for 2022 was on company efficiency. The goal is to renew business processes and thereby improve profitability. Developments in customer service during the previous period have brought results and are reflected in the quality of customer service. This has also been supported by a focus on employee training. The goal is still
to increase the visibility and recognition of the Lexus brand in the luxury car market.
Main financial ratios for characterizing 2022 2022 2021
Sales revenue 9 530 124 10 427 978
Net profit 15 373 18 896
Current assets 1 783 357 1 653 430
Short-term liabilities 1 637 668 635 319
Short-term liabilities coverage ratio 1.09 2.60 (current assets/short-term liabilities)
Assets 4 544 368 4 575 370
ROA (net profit/assets*100) 0.34% 0.41%
Equity 2 906 700 2 891 327
ROE (net profit/equity*100) 0.53% 0.65%
Inventories 1 214 962 889 707
Inventory turnover (sales revenue/average inventories) 9.11 8.00
Risk of changes in exchange rates and interest rates
The interest rate on the company's long-term loan is linked to EURIBOR. In 2022, EURIBOR began to rise, the impact of which the company will see in 2023. In the coming years, the base interest rate will remain rather high. Unelmauto AS has taken this risk into account.
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