Activity history
Company management, team and contacts
MORTELLAR INVEST OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 3,075 peopleand his is followed by 62 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.3 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
Mortellar Invest OÜ was established on 05.12.2006. The main activities are wholesale of frozen fish and fish products.
Revenues, expenses and profit in 2022. The company's turnover was 22,290 thousand. Mortellar Invest OÜ's business expenses were 16 euros. The operating profit for 2022 was 394 thousand euros.
The company's depreciation of fixed assets in 2022 amounted to 22 thousand euros.
The company's net profit for 2022 amounted to 447 thousand euros.
Company staff, salary expenses, payments to the board
In 2022, 8 people worked at Mortellar Invest OU, whose salary amounted to 107 thousand euros in 2022, without employer taxes.
The board of Mortellar Invest OU consists of one member. The board member has fulfilled his duties, receiving a fee of 15 thousand euros for this, without employer taxes. In 2022, dividends of 65 thousand euros were paid to the company owner.
Important events of the reporting year
The company's operations are financed by its own working capital.
Settlements with customers and suppliers are mainly in US dollars, therefore there are always risks associated with fluctuations in the exchange rate of the aforementioned currency against the euro.
Therefore, due to changes in exchange rates, the operating profit at the end of 2022 was 394 thousand euros, financial costs due to changes in exchange rates were approximately 55 thousand euros.
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