Activity history
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ESTERIA.EE OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 3,702 peopleand his is followed by 17 Storybook users.The company has not been rated.and there are no comments either.
's activity report 2022
Esteria.EE LLC was registered in 2017. Financial activities started in 2017
The main activity of Esteria.EE LLC is telecommunications activity. During the reporting period, salaries are not considered. The board has two members. The board member's fee was not paid during the reporting period
Taking into account business and environmental forecasts for the next year, the main objectives of Esteria.EE LLC are to ensure the continuous growth of services and equity income and to quickly respond to market changes. Esteria.EE continues its activities.
The most important financial ratios of Esteria.EE LLC were 31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Sales revenue 10 357 507 5 068 963
Net profit 839 656 174 196
Business profitability ( operating profit/sales revenue)% 8.7% 3.95%
Net profitability ( net profit/sales revenue) % 8.1% 3.44%
ROE return on equity(net profit/equity)% 86.96% 43.82%
ROA total asset return(net profit/assets)% 78.78% 16.9%
Short-term obligation coverage ratio,(current assets/short-term liabilities)times 1.14 0.98
ESTERIA.EE OÜ contacts
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