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We provide comprehensive accounting services and business consultancy to startups and established entities.

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Company Story

Welcome to KätRe OÜ, where your financial accuracy is our command. As a burgeoning beacon of excellence in the realm of accounting services, we extend our expertise to both sprouting and flourishing businesses across Saaremaa and Tallinn. Our mission is simple yet profound: 'We provide comprehensive accounting services and business consultancy to startups and established entities.'

Our journey began with a vision to demystify the complexities of financial management for companies of all sizes. We understand that every business is unique, and that's why our services are tailored to meet your specific needs. From the meticulous establishment of companies to the strategic development of business plans, our team is equipped to guide you through every financial challenge.

At KätRe OÜ, we believe in transparent pricing that adapts to your business's scale and scope. Starting at just 40 euros a month, our accounting services are both accessible and exceptional. We engage in thorough negotiations to ascertain the volume of work required, ensuring that the final price, established after the first three months, reflects the true extent of your needs.

Our commitment to precision is reflected in our choice of tools, such as the FirstOffice Büroo accounting program, which ensures accuracy and efficiency in managing your financial affairs. Whether you're seeking business advice, tax consultations, or the meticulous accounting of apartment associations, our team is ready to navigate you through the intricacies of financial management.

Embrace the KätRe OÜ difference and let our slogan, 'Navigating Your Financial Journey with Precision!', be your reality. Join us as we transform numbers into narratives of success, and let your business thrive under the watchful eye of financial expertise.

KÄTRE OÜ contacts

What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Kati M.

"Olen väga rahul, kuidas nad suudavad hoida asjad selged ja korras. Teenuse hind on samuti mõistlik.

- Jüri T.

Tagasihoidlik ja aus raamatupidamisfirma. Nad on aidanud meil vältida võimalikke probleeme ja maksimeerida efektiivsust.

- Marek R.

Nende teenuste puhul hindan eriti seda, kuidas nad on võtnud vaevaks mõista meie ettevõtte eripära. Usaldusväärne partner.

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