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EXMET OÜ's activity report 2022

The company has grown from a wholesale steel products company to a group, whose main business direction is the wholesale of a wide range of metal products to customers in the Estonian, Latvian and Finnish markets, and to a lesser extent to other neighboring countries. Exmet OÜ is one of the most well-known stockers of steel products in Estonia, the main sales arguments of the company are a wide range of products and quick availability of goods. According to the development strategy and the growth of customer needs, Exmet OÜ as a group has significantly improved the product range, supply
Cooperation partners

The company's biggest cooperation partners

EE- Estonia


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Tutvuge terase tulevikuga: külastage Exmet Gruppi 2024. a Nordbyggi messil!

Exmet Grupil on hea meel kutsuda valdkonna kõiki professionaale endaga ühinema selle aasta Nordbyggi messil 23.–26. aprillil. Nordbyggi mess on Põhjamaade suuri

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