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Our company story
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Company Story
At Tööohutuse Infokeskus OÜ, we believe that a safe work environment is the cornerstone of a thriving business. Every day, over ten workplace accidents occur in Estonia, often due to neglected equipment, improper use, unsuitable working conditions, or inadequate training. The majority of these accidents can be prevented with a robust safety policy and proactive prevention measures.
Our mission is to safeguard your employees by providing comprehensive occupational health and safety solutions. We navigate the complexities of the Estonian Occupational Health and Safety Act (TTOS) and its regulations to ensure your business not only complies with legal standards but also fosters a culture of safety and well-being.
Our occupational health management service is a testament to our commitment to your company's sustainability. By entering into a management contract with us, you gain the assurance that potential hazards are identified and addressed before they result in accidents.
Our service portfolio includes:
- Expert assessments of the working environment
- Internal evaluation and monitoring
- Development and maintenance of occupational safety documentation
- Carrying out comprehensive risk assessments
- Design and control of occupational safety installations and systems
- Design and installation of safety signage
With Tööohutuse Infokeskus OÜ, you are not just investing in occupational health training courses or assessments; you are investing in the future of your business. Enhance productivity and ensure the well-being of your workforce with our tailored safety solutions.
Let us help you build a safer workplace where every employee can thrive. Contact us today at +372 56 111 110 or info@ohutus.com to learn more about our services and how we can assist in elevating your company's safety standards.
Company customer opinions
Tööohutuse Infokeskus on muutnud meie töökeskkonna oluliselt turvalisemaks ja töötajate heaolu on märgatavalt paranenud.
Nende professionaalne lähenemine ja põhjalikud riskihindamised on aidanud meil ennetada võimalikke õnnetusi ning tagada seadusnõuetele vastavust.
Tööohutuse Infokeskuse teenused on olnud hindamatuks abiks meie ettevõtte ohutuskultuuri arendamisel ning töötajate teadlikkuse tõstmisel.
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