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OÜ SBT Võrgutööd specializes in providing mobile and telecommunication services, encompassing installation, construction, maintenance, and electrical work for base stations and systems.


Ettevōtte juhtkond, meeskond ja kontaktid

SBT VÕRGUTÖÖD OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 20,566 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 23 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.5 points ja kommenteeritud 1 kord.

Tegevusaruanne 2023: esitamata

Ettevõte ei ole majandusaasta aruannet, kust tegevusaruandeid lugeda saab, esitanud. Iga ettevõtte olukord on unikaalne, kuid levinumad põhjused tegevusaruande mitteesitamiseks võivad olla turuolukorra halvenemine, klientide nõudluse langus, rahalised raskused vms.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Mari T.

Töö kiirus ja täpsus on muljetavaldavad. Soovitan kindlasti OÜ SBT Võrgutööd kõigile, kes vajavad telekommunikatsioonivaldkonnas ekspertiisi ja kvaliteetset teenust.

- Anna K.

Nad on aidanud meil luua ja hoida tipptasemel sisevõrku meie büroohoonetes, tagades meie meeskonnale suurepärase ühenduvuse. OÜ SBT Võrgutööd on meie usaldusväärne partner ja ma soovitan neid igal ajal.

- Kaur E.

SBT meeskond on kiire reageerimisega, mis on suur pluss sündmuste valdkonnas, kus iga minut loeb. Suurepärane partner igale sündmuskorraldajale!

Cooperation partners

The company's biggest cooperation partners

EE- Estonia

How to ensure mobile connectivity during large-scale events?

Large-scale events, whether it\'s a concert, festival, sports competition, or conference, offer a unique opportunity for thousands of people to gather, enjoy entertainment, and share important moments. However, to ensure the smooth running of such a grand event, it is essential to provide reliable mobile connectivity. How can this be ensured? This is where temporary mobile network base stations and OÜ SBT Võrgutööd come into play. Mobile connectivity is one of the most critical components in today\'s event management. Attendees want to share photos and videos of the event, communicate with


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Why is a strong internal network crucial in business centers?

Mobile and broadband connectivity have become essential in today\'s business world. Companies rely heavily on these services to stay connected with clients, par
Mobile and broadband connectivity have become essential in today\'s business world. Companies rely heavily on these services to stay connected with clients, partners, and employees. An increasing amount of business activities are conducted digitally, which means having a strong internal network is crucial. In this article, we will examine how OÜ SBT Võrgutööd specializes in building internal networks in business centers and the solutions we offer to ensure excellent connectivity in every business space. Business centers often house many companies and organizations. There is active business

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