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MEISTRI KATUS OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 14,317 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 10 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.8 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 1 kord.

's activity report 2022

Meistri Katus OÜ, formerly known as Ykköskumppani OÜ, is a company that was established in 2012 with the primary objective of engaging in roofing construction work. The company was founded with a clear vision and a commitment to providing high-quality roofing solutions. Over the years, the company has grown and evolved, adapting to the changing needs of the market and expanding its range of services.

In 2015, the company underwent a significant transformation. The business name was changed to Meistri Katus OÜ, reflecting a shift in focus towards primarily providing roofing-related repair and construction services. This change was not just cosmetic, but represented a strategic move to specialize in a niche area where the company could leverage its expertise and experience.

However, the evolution of Meistri Katus OÜ did not stop there. The company's business activities have since diversified, with a new focus on the development of construction budgeting software. This move into the tech industry represents a bold and innovative step for the company, demonstrating its ability to adapt and evolve in response to market trends and opportunities.

In 2020, Meistri Katus OÜ made a significant investment by purchasing a property along with an older barn in Saaremaa. The purpose of this transaction was to generate rental income or to engage in property development and sales. This move into the real estate sector is another example of the company's strategic diversification, and it is planned to make further investments in this area.

The company's financial results for 2022 show a profit of 72,865 euros, an increase from 69,197 euros in 2021. This positive financial performance is a testament to the company's strategic decision-making and effective management.

In 2023, a lease agreement was signed and investments were made in relation to a building located at Komandandi 4. The purpose of this transaction is to generate income through the provision of accommodation services. This move represents another strategic diversification for the company, as it expands its operations into the hospitality sector.

The development project for the construction budgeting software continues in 2023, with ongoing development activities and investments. This project represents a significant investment in the company's future, as it seeks to establish itself as a leader in the tech industry.

Despite the energy, Ukraine, and Covid crises, the company's operations have not been significantly affected. This resilience in the face of global challenges is a testament to the company's strong management and strategic planning.

The company is led by Kaspar Oit, a member of the board. His leadership has been instrumental in guiding the company through its various stages of growth and diversification, and his vision continues to drive the company forward.


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Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Jaak S.

Suurepärane hooldus, kiire ja professionaalne!

- Toomas T.

Katus näeb välja nagu uus. Väga rahul

- Laura P.

Klienditeenindus oli suurepärane. Soovitan!


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