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We provide advanced heating systems and machinery designed to optimize energy and mineral resource use.

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Company Story

At the heart of innovation in the construction and real estate sector, we stand as a beacon of progress, dedicated to bringing you the pinnacle of heating technology. Our mission is simple yet profound: 'We provide advanced heating systems and machinery designed to optimize energy and mineral resource use.' This is not just a statement; it's a promise to deliver warmth, efficiency, and a vision for a sustainable future.

Our range of products is crafted with precision, integrating the latest advancements in energy conservation and heating solutions. We understand that the essence of a comfortable space is the warmth that permeates it, and our heating systems are engineered to provide that with unparalleled efficiency. Whether you're constructing a new building or retrofitting an old one, our equipment is designed to seamlessly integrate into your project, ensuring that you're not just building structures, but creating homes and workspaces that stand the test of time.

Our commitment to innovation is matched by our dedication to sustainability. We believe that the future of our planet rests in the balance of how we use our resources today. That's why our heating systems are not only designed to keep you warm but also to conserve energy and reduce your carbon footprint. With our products, you're not just choosing a heating solution; you're choosing a partner in the global effort to protect our environment.

Join us in embracing the motto: 'Warmth, Efficiency, Future!' Together, we can create a world that's not only comfortable but also conscientious. Explore our range of heating systems and machinery today and take the first step towards a warmer, more efficient, and sustainable tomorrow.

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Mida kliendid arvavad?

Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Liis A.

Suurepärane küttesüsteem, mis aitab säästa energiat ja tagab kodu mugavuse!

- Kaupo P.

Väga rahul meie uue küttesüsteemiga - see ületas meie ootused nii soojuse kui ka jätkusuutlikkuse osas!

- Taavi M.

Tänan teid sooja ja efektiivse lahenduse eest - meie energiakulud on oluliselt vähenenud!

Understanding geothermal heating: is it right for you?

Geothermal heating is a method of harnessing the Earth's natural heat for the purpose of indoor climate control. By tapping into the consistent temperatures found just below the Earth's surface, geothermal systems provide heating, cooling, and even hot water to buildings of all sizes. At its core, geothermal heating involves the circulation of a fluid, typically water or a water-antifreeze mixture, through pipes buried in the ground. This system absorbs heat from the ground during the winter for heating and transfers indoor heat back into the ground during the summer for cooling. Geothermal


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As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of human activities, energy efficiency has emerged as a critical aspect of sustainable devel
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