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Mihhail Trušin

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
heat pumps, heating equipment supply, industrial heating equipment, residential heating systems, development of heating systems, sale of machinery, development of equipment, heating solutions, infrastructure planning, rebuilding systems

Understanding geothermal heating: is it right for you?

Geothermal heating is a method of harnessing the Earth's natural heat for the purpose of indoor climate control. By tapping into the consistent temperatures found just below the Earth's surface, geothermal systems provide heating, cooling, and even hot water to buildings of all sizes. At its core, geothermal heating involves the circulation of a fluid, typically water or a water-antifreeze mixture, through pipes buried in the ground. This system absorbs heat from the ground during the winter for heating and transfers indoor heat back into the ground during the summer for cooling. Geothermal


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The future of real estate: building with energy efficiency in mind

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of human activities, energy efficiency has emerged as a critical aspect of sustainable devel
As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of human activities, energy efficiency has emerged as a critical aspect of sustainable development, especially in the real estate sector. Building with energy efficiency in mind not only reduces the carbon footprint of structures but also leads to significant cost savings over time, making it an attractive proposition for both developers and occupants. Advancements in technology and a growing demand for sustainable living have led to innovative trends in energy-efficient construction. From high-performance materials to

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