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RAMMI KOOLITUS OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 5,374 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 4 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 5.0 points ja kommenteeritud 5 korda.

's activity report 2022

Unldinfo is a company that stands as a testament to the strength and resilience of the Estonian economy. This firm is entirely based on 100% Estonian capital, a fact that it takes immense pride in. It is a shining example of the potential that local businesses have in contributing to the national economy and fostering a sense of community. The primary focus of Unldinfo's operations is safety training. This is a critical sector in today's world, where the importance of safety in all aspects of life and work cannot be overstated. By providing top-notch safety training, Unldinfo is playing a crucial role in ensuring that individuals and organizations are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to maintain safe environments. In the fiscal year of 2022, Unldinfo reported a turnover of 84,400 euros. This is a significant achievement for a company of its size and speaks volumes about the quality of its services and the trust that clients place in it. Despite not having acquired any fixed assets during this period, the company was able to generate substantial revenue, demonstrating its efficiency and strategic prowess. On average, Unldinfo employs around four individuals. This small but dedicated team is the backbone of the company, working tirelessly to deliver the best safety training services to clients. Each member brings unique skills and expertise to the table, contributing to the company's success in their own way. Looking ahead to 2023, Unldinfo has plans for growth. The company is aiming to increase its net income, a goal that it is well-positioned to achieve given its strong performance in the previous year. With its commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, there is no doubt that Unldinfo will continue to thrive and make a positive impact in the safety training sector.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Tanel K.

Aastal 2020 käisin asbesti lammutustöö koolitusel ning jäin väga rahule. Praktiline pool oli eriti hästi teostatud ja mulle jäi suurepäraselt kõik meelde.

- Siim

Käisinl tuletöökaardi koolitusel ning jäin väga rahule. Väga meeldis mulle ka praktiline pool koolituses toimunust. Koolituse läbisin positiivsete tulemustega ning usun, et koolitusest oli mulle väga palju abi. Tänan!

- Jane H.

Te tegite selle koolituse nii põnevaks, et ma ei märganudki kui kell oli juba kolm läbi ja me hakkasime lõpetama. Juhendaja oli väga rahulik ja seletas väga hästi tegevusi.


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