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Already 6,459 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 17 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.5 points ja kommenteeritud 2 korda.

's activity report 2022

Ladustamisteenused OÜ, a company whose primary business activity is the storage of goods for both legal and physical entities in a specially prepared warehouse, has been making significant strides in its industry. The year 2022 marked the company's tenth year of operation, a milestone that was met with considerable success. Over the course of the year, the company saw an increase in both its client base and turnover, indicating a positive growth trajectory. The company's success can be attributed to its commitment to providing high-quality storage services. By focusing on the needs of both legal and physical entities, Ladustamisteenused OÜ has been able to cater to a wide range of clients, from businesses needing a secure place to store their goods, to individuals looking for a reliable storage solution. The specially prepared warehouse used by Ladustamisteenused OÜ is another factor contributing to its success. The warehouse is designed to ensure the safe and efficient storage of goods, with features that cater to the specific needs of the items being stored. This attention to detail has helped the company build a reputation for reliability and professionalism. Looking ahead to 2023, Ladustamisteenused OÜ has no plans to change its business activity. This decision reflects the company's confidence in its current business model and its commitment to continue providing high-quality storage services. Despite its success, Ladustamisteenused OÜ operates with a lean team. On average, the company employs less than one full-time equivalent worker. The company's director does not receive a set salary, a testament to the company's commitment to investing its resources back into the business. In conclusion, Ladustamisteenused OÜ's tenth year of operation was marked by growth and success. With a focus on providing high-quality storage services and a commitment to its current business model, the company looks set to continue its positive trajectory in the years to come.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Jaan M.

Ladustamisteenused OÜ on minu jaoks selge valik ladustamiseks. Nad pakuvad kõige madalamaid hindasid ja nende ladu on väga turvaline. Samuti on nad väga paindlikud erinevate nõudmistega ja see võimaldab mul oma vara säilitada mugavalt.

- Liina T.

Olen väga rahul Ladustamisteenused OÜ teenustega. Nad on väga sõbralikud ja abivalmid ning nende lahendused on alati tipptasemel. Meie ettevõtte vara ladustamine on nende kätes väga turvaliselt ja mugavalt.

- Kertu L.

Ladustamisteenused OÜ pakub alati väga konkurentsivõimelisi hindu ja nende ladu on alati väga turvaline. Nad on olnud väga paindlikud ja konstruktiivsed meie ettevõtte erinevate vajaduste ja nõudmistega.

Cooperation partners

The company's biggest cooperation partners

EE- Estonia


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