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selection of personnel, human resources management, job placement, headhunting specialists, headhunting specialists, personnel selection, professional recruitment, recruitment process, global recruitment experience, talent network

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Company Story

Welcome to Talent Mill, where we transform the complex process of recruitment into a seamless journey towards finding the perfect fit for your organization. With a rich history dating back to 2003, our expertise in global recruitment and our extensive network of talent make us the ideal partner for your personnel needs.

Specializing in the targeted search for specialists in the manufacturing and technology sectors, Talent Mill is led by our founder and recruitment director, Jaanika Tohv. With over 17 years of experience in human resources management, Jaanika has developed effective search principles and continuously modernized recruitment methods to ensure successful outcomes for every client.

At Talent Mill, we believe that the key to successful recruitment lies in valuing individuals. Our approach ensures that you, as a client, receive a motivated, personality-fit, and professional employee. We understand that finding a new team member, especially in niche fields, can be stressful and filled with mutual expectations. That's why we work closely with clients who value their employees, leveraging our practical experience to deliver results.

Why choose Talent Mill?

  • Possibility and Effort: We know the challenges of finding the right person and are prepared to meet them head-on.
  • Dedicated Time: As a boutique recruitment agency, we focus on a select number of clients to ensure personalized service.
  • Professional Experience: Rest assured that candidates receive the same respectful and caring experience as you do as a client.
  • Practical HR Experience: We effectively apply our experience to work for your benefit.
  • Close Collaboration: We familiarize ourselves with the unique aspects of your organization and pay attention to details.

Join us at Talent Mill, where we are committed to making a difference. We donate our time, are reliable, and invite you to follow us on social networks to stay connected. Experience the Talent Mill advantage today and let us help you find the talent that will drive your success.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Mare-Anne Vahtra

Talent Mill’iga koostöö puhul hindame kiiret ja õigeaegset omavahelist kommunikatsiooni – meil kliendina on olnud hea ülevaade, mis järgus on konkurss, kas konkursile kutsutud kandidaat vajab lisainfot jms. Avatud koostöö tulemusel töötavad ettevõttes täna inimesed, keda meil oli soov leida ja Talent Mill lõi selleks võimalused.

- Kerli Leppoja

Hea sihtotsingu partner on selline, kes mõistes põhjaliku eeltöö olulisust, küsib kohe projekti algul palju edasiviivaid küsimusi ja aitab veel kord läbi mõelda projekti eesmärgid.

- Karin Israel

Usaldusväärne koostööpartner Ericsson Eesti Tallinna tehas tegutseb kiirelt muutuvas tehnoloogiamaailmas. Hindame töötajate erialaseid kompetentse, soovi areneda koos ettevõttega ja oskust innovaatiliselt kaasa mõelda.

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The company's biggest cooperation partners

EE- Estonia

Navigating the challenges of niche hiring

In today's competitive business landscape, companies in the manufacturing and technology sectors are increasingly seeking specialized talent to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge. However, hiring for niche roles presents unique challenges that require a strategic approach. Understanding these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them and securing the right talent for your organization. 2. Understanding the Importance of Niche Specialists Niche specialists bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge that can significantly impact a company's success. These professionals


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How to build a strong talent network

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