Activity history
Company management, team and contacts
This company's branding has already reached 3,187 peopleand his is followed by 6 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.4 points.and commented 17 times.
's activity report 2022
Malwarebytes Estonia OÜ was registered on 19.11.2014. The company's share capital is 2501 euros.
Malwarebytes Estonia OÜ is a subsidiary, whose sole owner is Malwarebytes Limited.
The company's main activity in 2022 was the research and development of antivirus products. The company's only customer is its parent company.
In 2023, the plan is to continue in the same field of activity.
The company's management has identified the following main risks and uncertainties affecting the group: (cid:127) Operational disruptions - the group's operations and infrastructure on which they depend can be affected by various external factors, many of which are not under the company's control. These factors include, but are not limited to, service disruptions and global disruptions. The group continues to focus on maintaining product quality, investing significantly in research and development.
(cid:127) Market decline - changes in the market can affect the group's ability to meet performance expectations. The group is constantly developing performance indicators and market modeling to better assess the impact of market changes. Management believes that expanding the global footprint will prevent excessive exposure to any regional or national economy.
(cid:127) Competition and retention - increased competition in the cybersecurity market may result in loss of business. However, the industry outlook is positive as the cybersecurity market is a growing market. In making the services offered attractive to both new and existing customers, the group continues to prioritize service quality, the development and delivery of new products.
(cid:127) Credit risk - the risk that one party to a financial instrument causes financial loss to the other party if it fails to fulfill its obligation. The company's customer is only its parent company. The credit risk associated with the claim against Malwarebytes Limited is mitigated by the parent company's letter of confirmation for the fulfillment of all obligations.
Main financial ratios of Malwarebytes Estonia OÜ: 2022 2021
Sales revenue 11 509 407 8 957 758
Revenue growth 28.49% 57.56%
Net profit 497 050 25 432
Net profit growth 1854.42% -94.69%
Net profitability 4.32% 0.28%
Current assets 4 814 853 3 466 260
Short-term liabilities 2 304 833 1 821 507
Coverage ratio of short-term liabilities 2.09 1.90
Return on assets (ROA) 6.76% 0.55%
Return on equity (ROE) 15.47% 1.05%
Formulas used in ratio calculation: 1. Revenue growth (%) = (sales revenue in the reporting period - sales revenue in the previous period) / sales revenue in the previous period x 100 2. Net profit growth (%) = (net profit in the reporting period - net profit in the previous period) / net profit in the previous period x 100 3. Net profitability (%) = net profit / sales revenue x 100 4. Coverage ratio of short-term liabilities = current assets / short-term liabilities 5. Return on assets (ROA) (%) = net profit / total assets x 100 6. Return on equity (ROE) (%) = net profit / total equity x 100 In 2020, the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic spread worldwide and its impact continued in 2021 and 2022. Management has assessed the potential impact of the pandemic on the company's cash flow and currently does not foresee significant changes in the business model that would affect the company's operations and its cash flows. All possible impacts of Covid-19 are monitored by the company's management.
The ongoing war in Ukraine and the related sanctions against the Russian Federation may affect the economy of Europe and the whole world. The company does not have significant direct exposure to Ukraine, Russia or Belarus. However, the impact on the general
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