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Company Story
At the heart of every individual lies a universe of potential, waiting to be unlocked and explored. TULEPEEKER OÜ stands as a beacon of guidance and enlightenment, illuminating the path to personal growth and spiritual awakening. Our mission is to offer holistic training and services in psychic development and spiritual healing, fostering a community where minds are opened, and souls are nurtured.
Our array of courses and workshops, such as 'Külluse talisman – töötuba', 'Sisemise lapse tervendamine', and 'Naiseliku väe äratamine', are meticulously crafted to empower you with the knowledge and tools to tap into your inner strength and wisdom. Each session is a step towards understanding the intricate dance of energies within and around you, enabling you to manifest abundance, heal ancestral ties, and harmonize your life's melody with the universe's grand symphony.
With our guidance, you'll learn to navigate the complexities of the spiritual realm, from 'Tervendavate helidega juhendatud meditatsioon' to 'Raha Külluse toomine enda ellu – Praktiline töötuba'. Our expert-led courses are designed to address the unique needs of every seeker, whether you're looking to cleanse your energy, communicate with angels, or break free from the shackles of foobias and sõltuvused.
Our commitment to your journey is reflected in our slogan, 'Unlock Your Universe!' We believe that within you lies the power to transform your life, and we are here to support you in activating those potent business channels for personal and professional success. Our services extend beyond the classroom, offering personalized assistance in energy cleaning of rooms, searching for missing persons, and even the delicate process of taking down curses.
Join us at TULEPEEKER OÜ, where your path to enlightenment awaits. Embrace the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of the spirit creature, engage in psychic training, and undergo short-term esoteric training that promises profound transformations. It's time to step into the light of knowledge and let healing begin. Unlock Your Universe and let the journey commence.
Discover the power of recreation and entertainment as tools for healing, and let us guide you in organizing relationships that resonate with your soul's purpose. Our expertise in 'exorcism' and 'removal of impairments' is at your disposal, ensuring that every step you take is grounded in clarity and freedom.
Embark on this transformative journey with us, and let the echoes of your success resonate through the realms of the seen and unseen. TULEPEEKER OÜ is not just a company; it's a gateway to a new you.
Company customer opinions
Sattusin selgeltnägija Inga vastuvõtule küll teiste probleemidega, kuid sain abi ka uue töö otsingul. Olin pikka aega otsinud endale tööalaselt paremat võimalust ning Inga vastuvõtul tuli jutuks üks tööpakkumine. Helistasin Ingale enne töövestluse algust ja selgeltnägijana saatis ta mulle koheselt positiivseid energiaid. Igatahes läks vestlus hästi ja töö sain ka. Selgeltnägija Inga on mind palju aidanud ja suured tänud talle selle eest.
Olen selgeltnägija Inga vastuvõtul käinud nüüdseks mitu korda. Oleme mehega püüdnud last saada juba kaua aastaid aga kuidagi ei õnnestunud. Seejärel kohtusin Ingaga, kes on toetanud inglitega ja tervendamise abil mind terve kunstliku viljastamise protseduuri aja. Ja kõik vaev on nüüd ära tasunud, ootame oma esiklast ja oleme väga õnnelikud. Aitäh Sulle Inga.
Käisin selgeltnägija Inga juures oma ettevõttele edukanaleid aktiveerimas. Varem firmal küll tööd oli aga raha jäi kuidagi väheseks. Peale selgeltnägija juures käiku on projektid kasumlikumad ja isegi uusi kliente on kergem leida.
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