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Finances and assets
The average monthly turnover is 403 EUR, the profit margin is 0%, the forecast turnover in 2024 . As of the property...

Turnover prognosis 2024

4,068 â‚¬

by 89.8 % compared to the last year

Average monthly turnover

403 â‚¬

Available credit: 200 â‚¬
Settlement dates: 30

Total profit 2024

2,022 â‚¬

Retained profits:
1,925 â‚¬ (95 %)
Net profit:
97 â‚¬ (5 %)

balance 2024

4,826 â‚¬

Estimated profit
margin 2024

0 %
100 %


1 € assets to cover short-term liabilities

2.25 €

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\n Tahad tagasilinke enda veebilehele?\n <\/div>\n

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\n M\u00fc\u00fcgipakkumised kliendisegmendile\n <\/div>\n

M\u00fc\u00fcgipakkumistega on v\u00f5imalik j\u00f5uda potentsiaalsele kliendigrupile l\u00e4hemale \u00f5igel ajal ja \u00f5iges kohas ning ilma ajaliste piiranguteta.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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\n Tahad 3x rohkem m\u00fc\u00fcgivihjeid?\n <\/div>\n

Sinu firma \u00e4rimeedialehe n\u00e4idis on tasuta<\/strong> ja see ei kohusta Sind millekski. Kvaliteetse digiturunduse saad k\u00e4tte taskukohase hinnaga.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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\n Krediidi- ja finantstaust\n <\/div>\n

Unikaalse tehnoloogia abil j\u00f5uab krediidi- ja finantstaust ka v\u00e4listesse s\u00fcsteemidesse (ERP, CRM jt), mida saavad kasutada k\u00f5ik firma t\u00f6\u00f6tajad.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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\n Efektiivne v\u00f5lahaldus\n <\/div>\n

T\u00e4isteenused alates krediitm\u00fc\u00fcgist kuni rahalaekumiseni. V\u00f5laportfelli anal\u00fc\u00fcs, krediidij\u00e4relvalve, ketimeetodil inkasso, v\u00f5la avalikustamine.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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\n Turvav\u00f5rk (tugiteenused)\n <\/div>\n

Krediidijuhtimise tugiteenused aitavad ennetada v\u00f5lglaste riskik\u00e4itumist terves krediitm\u00fc\u00fcgi ahelas.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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\n \u00dche sekundi taustakontroll\n <\/div>\n

\u00dche sekundi jooksul<\/strong> annab krediidiskoor ja vaba krediidilimiit Sulle k\u00e4tte olulise info enne igat \u00e4ritehingut.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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\n Mis on Storybook WEB?\n <\/div>\n

Oluline info on alati Sinuga kaasas<\/strong> igalpool veebis \u2013 just seal, kus ostled v\u00f5i otsid tooteid; kandideerid t\u00f6\u00f6le v\u00f5i teed t\u00f6\u00f6d; loed online meediat vms.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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