Corporate business media and news feed
design of lightning protection and grounding installations, measurement of landing resistance, control of the application of malfunction protection devicesl, checking the uninterrupted nature of protection and pen drivers, installation of electrical systems, installation of sockets and switches, design of electrical projects, organisation of electrotechnical control measurements, measurement of the uninterruptibility of grounding and protection drivers, verification of the application security of protective devices
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META Invest OÜ is a company engaged in electrical work and engaged in the installation and maintenance of electrical systems.
Elektrotehniliste kontrollmõõtmiste korraldamine
Elektripaigaldise käit
Elektriprojektide koostamine
Välised elektritööd
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Installation and maintenance
Elektrisüsteemide paigaldus
Valgustite paigaldus
Pistikupesade ja lülitite paigaldus
Elektririkete tuvastamine ja kõrvaldamine
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Design and consultation
Elektriprojektide projekteerimine
Piksekaitse ja maanduspaigaldiste projekteerimine
Automaatika süsteemide projekteerimine
Tehniline nõustamine ja projekti järelevalve
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Control measurements and additional services
Elektrotehniliste kontrollmõõtmiste korraldamine
Isolatsioonitakistuse mõõtmine
Kaitseseadmete rakendustagatise kontrollimine
Maandus- ja kaitsejuhtide katkematuse mõõtmine
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