Corporate business media and news feed
sanitary emergency work, wc swapping and repair, exchange and maintenance of sanitary equipment, faucets, sinks, toilet pots, elimination of accidents in heating, water and sewerage systems, melting of frozen sewage and water pipelines, internal and external networks, plastic and metal tubes, exchange and maintenance of electric boilers, elimination of blockages in sewerage and other pipelines, provision of emergency and maintenance services
PIPEHELP OÜ's activity report 2022
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Sanitary engineering works
We have been working on sanitary works since 2016 and by now have been able to find a certain place on the Estonian market.d.
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Emergency work
Sanitaartehnilised avariitööd
Kütte-, vee- ja kanalisatsioonisüsteemide avariide likvideerimine
Külmunud kanalisatsiooni- ja veetorustike sulatamine
Kanalisatsiooni- jt torustike ummistuste likvideerimine
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Maintenance work
Tehnika paigaldamine
Boilerite hooldus
Sanitaartehnika vahetus ja hooldus
Sise- ja välisvõrkude hoooldus
WC-pottide remont
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