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VIILUP UURINGUD OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 17,834 peopleand his is followed by 2 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 5.0 points.and commented 1 time.
's activity report 2022
Osaühing Viilup Uuringud, a company that was established on the 24th of November, 2016, has carved a niche for itself in the field of market research. The company's primary focus is on conducting market research using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. This approach allows them to gather and analyze data in a way that provides a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics.
The company specializes in marketing-related market research. This includes a wide range of topics related to brand, communication, and consumer behavior in relation to the purchase of products or services. By focusing on these areas, Osaühing Viilup Uuringud is able to provide valuable insights that can help businesses make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.
Osaühing Viilup Uuringud conducts research projects in two main ways. Firstly, they work as subcontractors for other companies that are involved in market research. This allows them to leverage their expertise and provide high-quality research services to a wide range of clients. Secondly, they also conduct research based on direct orders from clients. This approach allows them to tailor their research to the specific needs of each client, providing them with customized insights that are directly relevant to their business.
The company provides its services to various companies within the European Union. While their main clients are Estonian companies, they have also provided services to clients from Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland in 2022. They plan to continue this trend in 2023, further expanding their reach and establishing themselves as a trusted partner for companies across the European Union.
In terms of remuneration, the management of Osaühing Viilup Uuringud received a salary of 6667 euros during the reporting period. In addition to this, they also received a social tax of 2200 euros. This reflects the company's commitment to providing fair and competitive compensation to its employees, further reinforcing its reputation as a desirable place to work.
In conclusion, Osaühing Viilup Uuringud is a company that is dedicated to providing high-quality market research services. Through their specialized focus on marketing-related research and their commitment to providing customized insights to their clients, they have established themselves as a trusted partner for companies across the European Union. With plans to continue their growth in 2023, the future looks bright for Osaühing Viilup Uuringud.
Company customer opinions
Maa-ametil oli õnn leida koostööpartneriks Viilup Uuringud ja Liis, kellega koos sai välja mõeldud ja läbi viidud mahukas kasutajate tagasiside projekt. Liis aitas selgusele jõuda, mida meil üldse vaja on, oli oma töös kiire, konkreetne ja põhjalik ning andis väärtuslikku nõu tulevaste uuringute läbi viimiseks. Eraldi tahaks esile tuua Liisi efektiivset ajakasutust ja täpsust.
Tänaseks on meie meeskonnal Viilup Uuringutega selja taga poole aasta pikkune koostöö, mille raames valmis neli sisukat uuringut, mida saame hästi oma edaspidises töös sisendina kasutada. Viilup Uuringute näol on tegemist väga meeldiva ja professionaalse tiimiga, kellega valmib töö alati õigeks ajaks ja vastavalt soovidele. Soovitame soojalt!
Uue toote või pakendi turule toomisele eelneb alati põhjalik eeltöö, et teada saada, kas tarbija on selleks valmis. Viimati tegime koostööd Viilup Uuringutega, kellega koostöö toimis suurepäraselt. Hea eeltöö ja põhjalikkus aitasid meil saada täpset ja usaldusväärset informatsiooni, mis aitas meil otsustada, kas ja kuidas toodet turule toomata.
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