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Company Story

Welcome to a world where the warmth of natural wood meets the elegance of expert craftsmanship. At PIHTLA PUIDUTÖÖKODA OÜ, we are not just a company; we are artisans of the earth's bounty, dedicated to transforming full logs into stunning pieces of garden furniture that stand the test of time and elements.

Our mission is simple yet profound: 'We specialize in creating custom full log garden furniture and providing high-quality lathe logs for various projects.' Each piece we create is more than just furniture; it's a story of passion, a testament to the beauty of nature, and a functional work of art that enhances the serenity of your outdoor spaces.

From the rustic charm of full log garden benches to the intricate designs of garden swings, each product is a unique masterpiece, carefully crafted to meet your specific needs and desires. We take pride in our ability to offer special orders, ensuring that your vision for a perfect garden oasis becomes a reality.

Our commitment to quality extends beyond our furniture collection. We are also renowned for the sale of lathe logs, providing the essential materials for both DIY enthusiasts and professional builders to bring their own projects to life. Whether you're constructing a quaint cabin, a robust playground, or a bespoke piece of furniture, our lathe logs are the foundation for creations that last.

As you explore our selection, you'll find that each item is imbued with the essence of nature and the meticulous touch of our skilled artisans. Embrace the opportunity to own a piece of the forest, to bring the tranquility of the outdoors into your life with PIHTLA PUIDUTÖÖKODA OÜ - where nature's craft becomes your garden's treasure.

Join us in celebrating the harmony of nature and craftsmanship. Explore our collection today and find the perfect addition to your garden that speaks to your soul. For those seeking something truly unique, reach out to us for special orders and let's create something extraordinary together.

PIHTLA PUIDUTÖÖKODA OÜ - Nature's Craft, Your Garden's Treasure!


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Mart K.

Tellisime neilt kohandatud puidust pink-laua-pinki ja oleme väga rahul.

- Jaan I.

Pihtla Puidutöökoda tegi meile imelise kiik-pingi komplekti. Suurepärane käsitöö ja väga vastupidav!

- Tarmo R.

Nad aitasid meil leida täiusliku lahenduse meie terrassile. Suurepärane klienditeenindus!

Sustainable outdoor living with artisanal woodwork

Sustainability in woodwork is about creating products that are not only beautiful and functional but also environmentally responsible. It involves the use of materials that are renewable, sourced responsibly, and have minimal impact on the environment. Sustainable woodwork practices ensure that the creation of outdoor living spaces contributes positively to the ecosystem. Outdoor living spaces are extensions of our homes where we can connect with nature, relax, and entertain. They reflect our commitment to the environment and our personal values. By choosing sustainable outdoor living


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