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EMERINTO OÜ hetkeolukord

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's activity report 2022

Emerinto OÜ, a company that has been making waves in the confectionery and cake supplies retail industry, began its operations in August 2017. This Estonian-based company has been steadily growing and evolving since its inception, carving out a niche for itself in the competitive retail landscape. The year 2022 marked a significant milestone for Emerinto OÜ. The company's primary activity for the year was the retail sale of confectionery and cake supplies. This was done both in their physical store and through email orders, a testament to their adaptability in the face of the digital age. Emerinto OÜ's decision to focus on the retail sale of confectionery and cake supplies was a strategic one. The company recognized the growing demand for high-quality baking supplies, both from professional bakers and hobbyists. By offering a wide range of products, from basic baking ingredients to specialized cake decorations, Emerinto OÜ was able to cater to this diverse market. The company's use of email orders also demonstrated their commitment to customer convenience. By allowing customers to place orders through email, Emerinto OÜ made it possible for customers to shop from the comfort of their own homes. This was particularly beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many customers were looking for safe and convenient shopping options. In conclusion, Emerinto OÜ's success in 2022 can be attributed to their strategic focus on the retail sale of confectionery and cake supplies, as well as their commitment to customer convenience. As the company continues to grow and evolve, we can expect to see more innovative strategies and products from this dynamic company.

EMERINTO OÜ contacts

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- Liisu K.

Väga kiire ja meeldiv teenindus ning lai tootevalik.

- Pille O.

Nii tore ettevõte. Teenindus on kiire ja tootevalik lai.

- Sten R.

Suure valikuga pood, kus saab küpsetamiseks kõik kiirelt ja korraga osta.


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