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At Broaden OÜ, we believe that the cornerstone of any thriving organization is the continuous development of its people. In a world where change is the only constant, equipping your team with the critical skills they need to adapt and excel is not just an option—it's a necessity.

Our mission is clear: We specialize in auditing and enhancing learning processes to ensure critical skills acquisition. We understand that the journey to excellence is unique for every organization, which is why we offer tailored solutions that align with your specific needs.

Through our online learning platforms and interactive webinars, we bring to you the expertise of seasoned professionals like Tuuli Perolainen, a renowned learning experience designer. Our sessions are designed to provoke thought, inspire action, and deliver results. We tackle questions such as:

  • What does skill mean in the context of your work?
  • Why is the rapid acquisition of skills increasingly crucial?
  • How can you map out critical skills in your company to support both learning and assessment?

Our approach is grounded in a thorough audit of the learning process, an analysis of tasks and skills, and designing a solution that addresses the bottlenecks in your work and learning process. We don't just stop at identifying the gaps; we help you bridge them with effective learning solutions that are measurable and impactful.

Join us in our quest to transform the way your organization learns and grows. With Broaden OÜ, it's more than just training—it's about creating a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. Embrace our philosophy of Learn, Grow, Succeed! and take the first step towards securing your company's future in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Ready to broaden your horizons? Register for our next webinar and start your journey with us today.

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- Mari K.

Mulle meeldis kuidas inimesed said kokku ja võtsid selle aja, et arutada, katsetada ja kirjeldada oma soovi midagi koolituse abil parandada ning kui palju on sarnaseid valukohti. Et kuidas väga palju suuri murekohti võib tegelikkuses pulkadeks võetuna olla nii lihtsad. Oma töökoormuse vähendamiseks ja teadlikkuse tõstmiseks loodav koolitus omab tegelikult väga otsest mõju ärilistele eesmärkidele.

- Saara L.

Mulle väga meeldis, et koolitaja on ise väga põhjalikult valdkonda tundma õppinud ja teab seda nii teoreetilise kui praktilise poole pealt. See oli tõeliselt innustav ja ka usaldust tekitav.

- Teele L.

Kursus annab Sulle küsimused, mitte vastused, nagu Kubricku looming. Mis on väga hea, midagi ei nämmutata valmis, näri ise ja seedi mõnuga (või oled halvasti, ebapiisava väiksusega oma asja omadused tükkideks võtnud). Mõtlemapanek oma asjadele, fokuseeritult ja süsteemselt (läbi õigete küsimuste "õhus").

Designing solutions for effective skill acquisition

Skill acquisition is the process through which individuals learn and develop new abilities and refine existing ones. It is a critical component of professional development and organizational growth. In today's rapidly changing business environment, the ability to acquire new skills quickly and effectively gives companies a competitive edge. In the corporate world, skill acquisition isn't just about personal growth; it's a strategic imperative. Organizations with a workforce that can adapt and evolve with industry demands are better positioned to innovate and excel. Effective skill acquisition


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The art of mapping critical skills in your organization

Skill mapping is a strategic process that involves identifying the skills and competencies that are critical to the success of an organization. It serves as a b
Skill mapping is a strategic process that involves identifying the skills and competencies that are critical to the success of an organization. It serves as a blueprint for understanding the current capabilities of the workforce and the skills needed for future success. By mapping out these skills, organizations can align their talent development strategies with their business objectives. In an ever-evolving business landscape, staying competitive means having a workforce that can adapt and grow with the changes. Skill mapping is not just about understanding what skills are present; it's

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