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KEMERI OÜ hetkeolukord
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's activity report 2022
KEMERI LLC has been engaged in the sale of industrial automation products since 2018.
During the 2022/2023 fiscal year, KEMERI LLC was able to increase its sales turnover approximately 3.5 times and managed to exceed the annual turnover over 11 million €. Most of this turnover came from European customers. Managed to add 2 new salespeople and an accountant.
In summary, it was a very successful fiscal year, as we achieved record turnover and business profit. Currently, the main activity of the company is the sale of industrial automation products mainly in Europe and the goal is to increase the sales turnover of Estonian customers.
Ratios 2022/2023 2021/2022
Sales revenue growth %
Sales revenue growth (%)=(sales revenue 2023 - sales revenue 2022/ sales revenue 232.09% 267.57% 2022*100)
Operating profit %
Operating profit (%) = (operating profit / sales revenue) * 100 15.27% 16.90%
Net profitability %
Net profitability (%) = (net profit / sales revenue) * 100 14.16% 16.26%
Short-term debt coverage ratio
Short-term debt coverage ratio= current assets / short-term liabilities 3.79 2.24
Equity amount %
Equity amount (%) = (equity / total assets) * 100 71.28% 53.84%
Net asset return ROA %
Net asset return ROA (%)= (net profit / total assets)* 100 68.20% 53.51%
Return on equity ROE %
Return on equity ROE (%)= (net profit/ total equity)* 100 95.67% 99.40%
Goals for the next fiscal year: 1.Turnover over 15 million € 2.Increase the number of employees to 12 employees 3.Open at least one new sales office in Estonia and increase the sales turnover of Estonian customers
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