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AMR APTEEGID OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 598 people have seen this company's branding but they do not have any followers.In average the company has been rated 4.8 points but has not been commented.

's activity report 2022

The first entry for AMR Pharmacies LLC was made in the Commercial Register on 03.02.2020.

The main activity of AMR Pharmacies LLC (hereinafter also the Company) during the reporting year was the operation of pharmacies (code 47731 of the Estonian economic activity classifier).

The sales revenue of AMR Pharmacies LLC in 2022 was 10,939,253 euros and the profit for the reporting year was 144,352 euros.

Sales were made in Estonia, the main areas of activity are Tallinn and Harju County.

Main financial ratios:

Financial indicators 2022 2021 2020 (in euros)

Sales revenue 10939253 8,330,257 5,870,857

Net profit 144352 -84227 -215515

Net profit margin 1.32% -1.01% -3.67%

Assets 1745972 1257183 1273654

Asset productivity 8.27% -6.7% -17%

Current assets 1734608 1257183 1273654

Short-term liabilities 1898862 1554425 1486669

Coverage ratio of short-term liabilities 0.91 0.81 0.86

Equity -152890 -297242 -213015

Equity ratio -8.75% -23.64% -16.72%

Net profit margin: net profit / sales revenue * 100%

Asset productivity: net profit / total assets * 100%

Coverage ratio of short-term liabilities: current assets / short-term liabilities

Equity ratio: equity / total liabilities and equity * 100%



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