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VÕLUHALDJAS OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 20,010 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 1 Storybook users.In average the company has been rated 4.8 points ja kommenteeritud 1 kord.

's activity report 2022

Võluhaldjas OÜ, a dynamic and forward-thinking company, was established in the year 2020. The primary objective behind the inception of this company was to sell goods via the internet and mail order. This innovative approach allowed the company to reach a wide range of customers, providing them with a convenient and efficient shopping experience. In 2022, the company expanded its operations to include the production and sale of dietary supplements and cosmetic products. This diversification was a strategic move to tap into the growing market for health and beauty products. The company's sales channel is an e-store, which allows it to reach customers globally, providing them with a wide range of products at their fingertips.

During the reporting period of 2022, Võluhaldjas OÜ achieved a turnover of 544,627 euros. This figure is a significant increase compared to the previous reporting period, where the turnover was 429,158 euros. This growth is a testament to the company's successful business strategies and its ability to adapt to market trends.

However, the profit for the period was 31,986 euros, a decrease from the previous period's profit of 165,518 euros. This decrease in profit is associated with the significant increase in costs directed towards the development of the company and labor costs in 2022. The company currently employs six dedicated and skilled employees, with a total wage cost for the period amounting to 104,459 euros.

Despite the decrease in profit, Võluhaldjas OÜ remains optimistic about its future. The company's goal is to continue operating in the same sectors, constantly introducing new products to the market and expanding its product range. This strategy is aimed at maintaining and securing its market position. Võluhaldjas OÜ is committed to providing high-quality products and services to its customers. The company believes that its investment in product development and employee growth will yield positive results in the long run. The company's dedication to innovation and customer satisfaction is what sets it apart in the competitive e-commerce industry.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Mari T.

Olen leidnud Võ e-poest oma lemmiktaimseid šampoone ja kreeme. Nende tooted on mitte ainult tõhusad, vaid ka rikkaliku loodusliku lõhnaga. Mulle meeldib teada, et kasutan oma keha hooldamisel looduslikke ja keskkonnasõbralikke tooteid

- Anette U.

Olen alati olnud huvitatud looduslikust kehahooldusest ning Võ on muutnud selle lihtsaks ja mugavaks. Nende valikus leidub palju erinevaid looduslikke õlisid, mille abil saan tõhusalt hoolitseda nii oma naha kui ka juuste eest. Olen tõeliselt rahul nende toodete kvaliteedi ja tulemustega.

- Mari-Liis O.

Võ on tõeliselt inspireeriv e-pood, kus leidsin laia valiku looduslikke kehahooldustooteid. Nende kvaliteet ja keskkonnasõbralikkus teevad nad minu jaoks kindlaks valikuks kehahoolduseks. Soovitan soojalt!


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