Activity history
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CORSO STUDIO OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 137 peoplebut no user is tracking his activities.On average, the company has been rated 4.0 points.and commented 1 time.
's activity report 2022
OÜ Corso Studio was established in December 2020. In 2022, Corso Studio OÜ continued its operations in its main field of Other
Information technology and computer-related activities 62091.
The main activity of Corso Studio OÜ is search traffic, development and monetization through iOS app subscription, development and monetization through Android advertising apps.
We are intermediaries between some partners who provide us with Google/Yahoo/Bing search flows to earn money, and other partners who monetize these search flows through search queries and clicks on ads/purchases.
In 2022, Corso Studio OÜ's sales revenue amounted to 2,211 thousand euros (in 2021, 37 thousand euros).
The profit in 2022 amounted to 256 thousand euros (in 2021, the profit was 16 thousand euros).
The economic activity in 2022 was characterized by the formation of the main list of partners.
The main field of activity of the company will remain the same in the next financial year. The goal of the company for the next financial year is to improve operations and maintain its market positions in the general economic downturn.
The board of OÜ Corso Studio has prepared the annual financial report in accordance with the Commercial Code, which accurately and fairly reflects the company's assets, liabilities and equity, and the results and cash flows of economic activity. The annual financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Act. Corso Studio OÜ's 2022 annual financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Estonian Financial Reporting
The annual financial report reflects significant circumstances affecting the valuation of assets and liabilities that occurred between the balance sheet date of 31.12.2022 and the date of preparation of the annual report 30.06.2023.
Assets and liabilities have been valued on a considered and conservative basis. The preparation of the annual financial report requires the provision of estimates.
These estimates are based on current information about the company's status and intentions and risks as of the date of preparation of the annual financial report. The final result of economic transactions recorded in the financial year or earlier periods may differ from the estimate given in the current period.
In the opinion of the board, OÜ Corso Studio is still an operating economic entity.
The board confirms the correctness and completeness of the preparation of the 2022 annual report.
2022 2021
Profit and loss indicators, thousand EUR
Sales revenue 2,211 37
Operating profit 266 16
Net profit 256 16
Balance sheet indicators, thousand EUR
Total assets 0 0
Total current assets 1,519 19.5
Total equity 257 16
Short-term liabilities 1,262 3
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