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Our company story
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Company Story
At SOCIAL BUZZ OÜ, we understand that capturing people's attention in the bustling digital world is an art form. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to helping your brand stand out from the monochrome crowd. With our finger on the pulse of the latest trends, we're not just trend followers; we're trendsetters speaking the language of the burgeoning consumer generation.
Our team thrives on out-of-the-box, positively wild ideas that forge a personal connection with both your existing community and potential new clients. We're here to make your life simpler and stress-free, handling the full-time job of creative direction and social media management so you can focus on what you do best.
Our Services
TikTok Marketing
In a world where attention spans are shrinking, videos have emerged as the most effective way to create a strong connection with both new and existing customers. Our ace in the hole is TikTok marketing, a field where we've consistently shone. We focus on quality over quantity, proving that you don't need to post 20 times a month to achieve great results.
Our TikTok marketing service includes:
- Creative strategy tailored for your brand
- Content planning and idea generation
- Video filming
- Video editing
- Copywriting for video captions
- Posting videos
- Engaging with followers
- Monitoring analytics and analyzing results
- Ongoing communication with your marketing team
- Quarterly meetings to discuss progress and set new goals
Content Creation
Your brand's social media is its business card. A great product or service deserves equally attractive content. Don't leave that crucial first impression to chance. With us, your brand's social media will be both attractive and profitable.
Our content creation service includes:
- Creative strategy for your brand
- Idea generation
- Production days: photography and filming
With SOCIAL BUZZ OÜ, your brand is not just another face in the digital crowd. We're here to create the buzz around your business, ensuring that your message resonates with your audience through tiktok marketing, content creation, video production, creative management and strategy, and training. Let's make some noise together!
Company customer opinions
Social Buzz on minu arvamusel Eestis ainuke agentuur, kes täielikult mõistab TikToki komplektsust ning omab head tunnetust platvormil. Oma töös on nad kohusetundlikud, põhjalikud ja out-of-the-box ideedega. Tegu ei ole lihtsalt toreda sisuga, vaid iga samm on vastavalt brändi turunduslikule vajadusele läbimõeldud ja tagantjärele analüüsitud.
Oleme väga rahul, et oleme usaldanud Lõunakeskuse TikTok konto sisu loomise ja haldamise just Social Buzzile. Tiimi poolt loodav sisu on kasvatanud jälgijate arvu orgaaniliselt ning nad on hästi ära tabanud, mis just meie keskuse klientide puhul töötab.
Koostöö Social Buzz loovagentuuriga on olnud Vapiano jaoks igas mõttes game-changer! Nende loovus on viinud meie TikToki konto uuele tasemele. Nad on alati sammukese ees ning valdavad suurepäraselt algoritmi treenimise kunsti, tagades mitte ainult tähelepanu vaid ka orgaanilise jälgijaskonna kasvu. Mis mulle nende juures eriti meeldib on see, et nad ei karda oma arvamust välja öelda, kui meie ideed teinekord nende omadest erinevad.
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