Activity history
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MODESTOGROUP OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 635 peoplebut no user is tracking his activities.On average, the company has been rated 3.3 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
OÜ ModestoGroup was established in 2022. The same year, economic activity was started and until 2022 the main activity was wholesale.
In 2022, the net turnover of realization amounted to 3750933 euros
The economic activity of OÜ ModestoGroup in 2022 was characterized by the stabilization of production volume. Attention was mainly paid to product development and securing business in current markets. Their position was confirmed in the European Union market.
There have been no investments.
Taking into account the forecasts of the business and financial environment for the next year, the main objectives of OÜ ModestoGroup are to maintain market share in Europe
Union .
During the reporting period, a total of 28151 euros was accounted for salaries, including 8423 euros for the managing director, who is also the chairman of the board. The average number of employees during the reporting period was 3.
The fees paid to board members during the reporting year totaled 8423 euros.
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