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FERTILITAS AS current status
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's activity report 2022
AS Fertilitas was established on 30.06.2021 as a result of the division of AS Viimsi Hospital and started its economic activities on 01.08.2021. The main activity of the company is the provision of medical services - outpatient, day surgery and inpatient specialist care is provided in many specialties, including gynecology, ear-nose-throat diseases, orthopedics, rehabilitation, urology, general surgery, cardiology, plastic surgery, pediatrics and other specialties.
AS Fertilitas continued its long-term cooperation with the Health Insurance Fund in 2022 within the scope of contractually established activity volumes.
In the reporting year, 203 thousand euros were invested in the renewal of medical equipment and 31 thousand in information technology solutions, next year the investments in medical equipment are planned in the same volume.
No research or development projects were carried out during the reporting year, and none are currently planned for the coming years.
During the preparation period of the annual financial statements, no significant events have occurred that significantly affect or may affect the results of the following financial years. The general development in the medical field in which the company operates is stable, accordingly, it also has an impact on
AS Fertilitas.
The company's operations are not seasonal and the company's operations do not have significant environmental and social impacts. The main transactions of AS Fertilitas take place with Eurozone countries and in euros, therefore the level of currency risk is minimal.
AS Fertilitas subsidiaries as of 31.12.2022
Name Participation Activity area
OÜ Urology 90% Medical services
AS Orthopedica 100% Medical services
The sales revenue of AS Fertilitas in 2022 was 6584544 euros. In 2022, the average number of employees converted to full-time was 120 and their salary was 3977816 euros (Appendix 16). The company's board was three-membered in 2022 and the council was three-membered, by the end of the year the board was reduced to two members and the council was increased to four members. Board members were paid fees of 303156 euros in 2022 (Appendix 18), no fees were paid to council members.
Main ratios based on the 2022 result:
The loss for the reporting year was 7915 euros.
1) net profit margin (net profit/revenues) -0.12% 2) operating profit margin (operating profit/sales revenue) -0.60% 3) short-term liabilities coverage ratio (current assets/short-term liabilities) 0.52 4) equity amount (equity/total assets) 0.20.
Main directions of AS Fertilitas activities for 2023: 1) continue to invest in medical equipment and inventory 2) provide high-quality and patient-friendly medical service 3) increase profitability, which will be invested in the quality of service and working capital 4) continue cooperation with the Estonian Republic health insurance system.
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