Activity history
Company management, team and contacts
ELEKS SOFTWARE OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 392 peopleand his is followed by 1 Storybook user.On average, the company has been rated 3.0 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
The company Eleks Software OÜ was established on 25.11.2021.
The main activity of the company is programming (EMTAK code 62011).
The reporting period starts on 25.11.2021 and ends on 31.12.2022.
The board of Eleks Software OÜ consists of two members.
No investments were made during the reporting year.
The company's share capital was paid in 2021 in the amount of 10 000 EUR.
The year 2022 was concluded with a profit of 46 782,60 EUR.
The sales revenue in 2022 was 3 873 159,62 EUR.
The company's goal is to continue operations with a positive result.
The company is operational.
Main financial ratios of Eleks Software OÜ for 2022 2021:
Sales revenue 3 873 159,62 0
Net profit(-loss) 46 782,60 0
Current assets 2 120 935,84 10 000,00
Short-term liabilities 2 064 153,24 0
Assets 2 120 935,84 10 000,00
Equity 10 000,00 10 000,00
Net profitability (%) 1,21% 0
Short-term liabilities coverage ratio (times) 1,03
ROA (%) 2,21% -
ROE (%) 467,83% -
Net profitability (%) = ((net profit(-loss)/sales revenue) x 100)
Short-term liabilities coverage ratio (times) = current assets/short-term liabilities
ROA (%) = ((net profit(-loss)/assets) x 100)
ROE (%) = ((net profit(-loss)/equity) x 100)
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