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We provide specialized therapeutic and counseling services such as logopedics, myofunctional therapy, and pregnancy crisis counseling.

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Company Story

Welcome to GLOSSOM OÜ, where our mission is to nurture growth and support families through every step of their wellness journey. Our comprehensive range of specialized therapeutic and counseling services is designed to cater to the unique needs of individuals and families at various stages of life.

Our Services

  • Logopedics: Empowering communication with personalized speech therapy.
  • Myofunctional Therapy: Enhancing oral and facial muscles for better health.
  • Breastfeeding Counselling: Providing support and guidance for new mothers.
  • Physical Therapy for Children: Fostering development through expert physical care.
  • Baby Massage: Strengthening bonds and promoting infant health.
  • Kineso Taping for Pregnant Women: Offering relief and support during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy Crisis Counseling: Protecting emotional well-being during challenging times.

At GLOSSOM OÜ, we believe in a holistic approach to health and well-being. Our team of dedicated specialists is committed to delivering exceptional care and support, ensuring that every family can experience the joy of a healthy, balanced life.

Our Commitment

'Nurturing Growth, Supporting Families!' is not just our slogan; it's our promise to you. We are dedicated to providing a nurturing environment where you can find the support and expertise you need to thrive. Whether you're planning a family, expecting a new addition, or seeking guidance through the early stages of parenthood, we are here to support you.

Join us at GLOSSOM OÜ and let us be a part of your family's story of growth and well-being. Book your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.

GLOSSOM OÜ kontaktid

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Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Mark

Glossom muutis meie elu. Imetoredad terapeudid!

- Anne

Rahulik atmosfäär ja asjatundlikud nõuanded.

- Laura

Tundlik ja hooliv personal, kes mõistab laste vajadusi.


Ettevõtte suurimad koostööpartnerid

EE- Eesti

The importance of myofunctional therapy in child speech development

Myofunctional therapy is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on the muscles of the mouth and face, and their impact on functions such as breathing, swallowing, and speech. It is based on the principle that proper muscle function and coordination are essential for the development of clear and effective speech. Myofunctional disorders can lead to a range of speech impediments in children. These disorders are often characterized by improper tongue placement, difficulty in swallowing, and mouth breathing, all of which can significantly affect a child's ability to articulate sounds


kõik artiklid

Navigating pregnancy crisis: a guide to emotional support

A pregnancy crisis can be defined as any situation during pregnancy that causes significant emotional distress or instability. This can range from health compli
A pregnancy crisis can be defined as any situation during pregnancy that causes significant emotional distress or instability. This can range from health complications to personal or financial stressors that impact an expectant mother's mental well-being. Emotional distress during pregnancy can be triggered by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, fear of the unknown, complications during pregnancy, lack of support, and pre-existing mental health conditions. Understanding these triggers is the first step in managing them effectively. Emotional Support Strategies Professional

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