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Business media and news feed
PR and reputation design, press releases, news stories, pr-support, social media promo, media relations, PR and reputation management, press release services, PR campaign strategies, social media promotion

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Company Story

At ÄRINIMETU OÜ, we believe that every brand has a story worth telling—a narrative that resonates with hearts and minds, creating lasting impressions. Our mission is to be the spark that ignites your brand's potential, transforming your vision into a compelling tale that captivates your audience and propels your business forward.

Our Services

  • PR Launchpad: For startups eager to make their mark, we offer a launchpad service that ensures your brand makes a grand entrance. We collaborate with you to forge a strong and memorable identity, craft press releases, organize launch events, and kickstart social media campaigns. It's all about systematic execution and consistency to make sure everyone hears the roar of your arrival.
  • Project and Campaign Strategy: Whether it's a charity drive, a new product, or a service, we set the PR wheels in motion. We develop a communication plan that delivers your message to the right audiences, supporting your campaign with media planning and captivating advertising messages.
  • Event Promotion: Every event needs a push to ensure your audience knows where to go and why. We create marketing stories for events, assemble press kits, devise social media strategies, and align our thoughts to ensure media coverage both before and after your event.
  • Project Reinvigoration: Some initiatives just need a fresh perspective and new energy. We help you take an existing project with untapped potential to the next level. Fresh insights, actions, and strategic updates can breathe new life into any endeavor.

Our team of PR professionals is equipped with the tools and expertise to make your brand stand out. From PR and reputation design to crafting press releases and news stories, we provide the PR-support you need to make a splash in the media. And when it comes to social media promo, we know just how to engage and grow your audience.

Ready to launch your brand into the stratosphere? Let's set the PR wheels in motion. Contact us today and watch your brand story unfold.


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Opinions of the company's customers

- Paul K.

Meie ettevõtte turuletoomine oli tänu teie tiimile tõeline õnnestumine! Teie põhjalik töö pressiteadete koostamisel ja sotsiaalmeedia kampaaniate juhtimisel aitas luua brändi ümber elevust ja panna meid õigesti kaardile.

- Kaisa R.

Teie tiimi panus meie kampaania strateegiasse oli hindamatu.

- Taavi T.

Oleme väga rahul teie teenusega, eriti sellega, kuidas te aitasite meie olemasolevale projektile uue elu sisse puhuda.

Maximizing media coverage for your event

Media coverage is an essential component of event marketing, as it amplifies your message and extends the reach of your event beyond the physical attendees. It can significantly boost your brand's visibility, credibility, and ultimately, the success of your event. Every event has something that makes it stand out. Identifying and highlighting your event's unique selling proposition (USP) is crucial to capturing the media's interest and ensuring coverage that resonates with your target audience. Pre-Event Media Strategy Begin by compiling a list of media outlets and influencers that align


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The art of crafting impactful press releases

Press releases are a fundamental tool in the public relations arsenal. They serve as official statements issued to media outlets offering information on a parti
Press releases are a fundamental tool in the public relations arsenal. They serve as official statements issued to media outlets offering information on a particular matter. In the context of strategic communication, they are essential for announcing new products, significant changes, or events in a way that aims to manage public perception and garner media coverage. While the core purpose of press releases remains unchanged, their format and distribution have evolved with the advent of digital media. Today's press releases are crafted to reach not only traditional journalists but also online

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