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Company Story

Welcome to a world where cleanliness transcends the ordinary, where every corner of your space is touched by the art of pristine care. At ELEGANT CLEANING OÜ, we don't just clean; we rejuvenate, refresh, and revitalize your living and working environments, ensuring that every surface gleams with the promise of a healthier, happier life.

Our journey began with a simple yet powerful mission: to offer an unparalleled spectrum of cleaning services that cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Whether it's the gentle caress needed to refresh a beloved sofa or the robust, meticulous attention required for large-scale post-construction sites, our team of dedicated professionals is equipped with the expertise and passion to handle it all.

Our services are a testament to our commitment to excellence. From the delicate art of 'cleaning sofas' to the expansive scope of 'internal and external cleaning', we ensure that every nook and cranny is addressed with the utmost care. Our 'window wash' service leaves your panes crystal clear, inviting the sunshine to brighten up your days. When the dust settles after construction, our 'post-construction cleaning' team sweeps in to transform chaos into order, leaving behind nothing but sparkling surfaces.

For those who seek an ongoing touch of elegance in their daily lives, our 'housekeeper service' offers a bespoke experience, maintaining the beauty and hygiene of your home with regular precision. And when winter's chill brings its snowy blanket, our 'snow cleaning' services ensure that your pathways and premises remain safe and accessible.

At the heart of our brand is a promise encapsulated in our slogan: 'Spotless Spaces, Sparkling Faces!' It's not just about the shine we bring to your surroundings; it's about the joy and satisfaction that radiates from our clients when they see the results of our work.

Join us on this journey of transformation, where every service we offer is a step towards a cleaner, brighter, and more elegant lifestyle. With ELEGANT CLEANING OÜ, experience the bliss of spaces that don't just look clean but feel profoundly so.


Window washing: boosting your home's curb appeal

Curb appeal is the attractiveness of a property and its surroundings when viewed from the street. It's a crucial factor in a home's value and the impression it makes on visitors, potential buyers, or clients. A well-maintained exterior, including sparkling clean windows, can significantly enhance a property's curb appeal. Clean windows are not just about the view from the inside out; they're a vital component of your home's facade. They let in natural light, contribute to the overall aesthetics, and reflect the care you put into your property. The Benefits of Professional Window Washing
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The ultimate guide to post-construction cleaning

After the dust settles and the last nail is hammered in, the real work begins: post-construction cleaning. This critical final step transforms a construction si
After the dust settles and the last nail is hammered in, the real work begins: post-construction cleaning. This critical final step transforms a construction site into a presentable home or business space. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about safety and setting the stage for future occupants to thrive. Understanding the Importance of Post-Construction Cleaning Construction projects can leave behind a slew of potentially harmful materials like dust, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other debris. Proper cleaning ensures that the indoor air quality is safe for new occupants. A

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