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Save the world with premium, natural products made from industrial hemp. CO2 emissions in the air are absorbed by the plants. Our hardware products are made from the inner bark, deliver unparalleled resilience and are 6 times more resistant to bending than steel, while our products for consumption promote wellbeing and the healing of illness.

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Company Story

At Organic Steel OÜ, we are not just a company; we are pioneers at the forefront of an industrial revolution. Born from the vision of creating a world where strength and sustainability coexist, we introduce a groundbreaking alternative to traditional materials with our production of steel-replacement products made from industrial hemp.

Our journey began with a simple yet profound realization: the materials we use today shape our tomorrow. In a world grappling with environmental challenges, we sought to harness the power of sustainable materials to offer solutions that don't just meet the needs of the present but safeguard the future. Organic Steel OÜ is the embodiment of this vision, offering products that absorb CO2 emissions and provide unmatched resilience.

Our hardware products, crafted from the inner bark of industrial hemp, boast a resistance to bending six times greater than steel. This isn't just a claim; it's a testament to the power of nature when combined with human ingenuity. The use of industrial cannabis in our production process not only results in superior products but also promotes a healthier planet by absorbing CO2 emissions.

But our commitment doesn't end with hardware. We extend our passion for natural strength to products for consumption that promote well-being and healing. Every item we offer is a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle, a gesture of care for our customers, and a tribute to the environment.

Located in the heart of Tallinn, Estonia, Organic Steel OÜ is more than a brand; it's a movement. A movement towards a world where the might of industry and the gentleness of nature walk hand in hand. Join us in our mission to save the world with premium, natural products that redefine what it means to be strong and sustainable.

Discover the future of industrial materials with Organic Steel OÜ. Together, let's build a world that's not just durable, but also kind and green.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Anna M.

Organic Steel OÜ tooted on tõeliselt innovaatilised ja üllatavalt vastupidavad.

- Martin K.

Olen vaimustuses nende keskkonnasõbralikest materjalidest ja lahendustest.

- Marek L.

Parim alternatiiv traditsioonilistele materjalidele – tugev ja jätkusuutlik.

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