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Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
wood materials, yakisugi wood treatment, siberian larch products, environmentally friendly wood solutions, interior design wood, weatherproof wood, brushed larch panels, wood preservation, burned wood designs, brushed wood

The art of yakisugi: a blend of tradition and modernity

Yakisugi, also known as Shou Sugi Ban, is a traditional Japanese method of wood preservation that dates back to the 18th century. Originally used for cedar siding in rural Japan, this technique involves charring the surface of the wood to enhance its durability and resistance to the elements. The process imparts a distinct, rich, and textured appearance that has captured the attention of architects and designers around the globe. Today, Yakisugi has transcended its traditional roots and has been embraced by modern architecture and design. Its unique aesthetic and practical benefits have made


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Transforming spaces with burned wood aesthetics

The art of burning wood for aesthetic and functional purposes dates back centuries, with its roots in ancient Japanese carpentry. Known as Shou Sugi Ban, this t
The art of burning wood for aesthetic and functional purposes dates back centuries, with its roots in ancient Japanese carpentry. Known as Shou Sugi Ban, this technique was traditionally used to treat cedar siding to make it weather-resistant. Today, the practice has been embraced by modern architects and designers, who are drawn to its unique beauty and durability. Burned wood carries a distinct allure that combines the charm of natural materials with a robust, edgy finish. The charred surface creates a rich, textured appearance that is both visually striking and tactile. This aesthetic is

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