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Mika Tapio Mustonen

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medical equipment and supplies, medical equipment and supplies, Medical supplies, Cardiac stimulation equipment, Artificial parts of the heart, Catheters, Coronary endoprostheses, Coronary angiography apparatus, Heart valves, Heart support devices

ABBOTT MEDICAL ESTONIA OÜ's activity report 2022

Abbott Medical OÜ is a subsidiary of the American company Abbott Laboratories. The company was previously named St. Jude Medical Estonia OÜ, it was established in September 2010 and this year was the company's 12th reporting year. Before that, the company was managed from Finland. The members of the company's council are: Bradley Jay Slater, chairman of the board, a citizen of the United States; John Arthur McCoy Jr., a citizen of the United States; Marzena Dembek, a citizen of Poland. The company's CEO and board member is Mika Mustonen and the company is audited by Ernst & Young Baltic

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