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Arkadi Berman

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
building and finishing materials, Interior, wholesale sanitary ware, Dush kits, sanitary equipment, bathroom furniture, Bathrooms, Hotel, Residential, the Set

Sustainability in sanitation: eumar's eco-friendly approach

As the world grapples with environmental challenges, the focus on sustainable practices has never been more critical. In the realm of sanitation, sustainability is not just about conserving resources but also about implementing practices that ensure long-term ecological balance and human health. Eco-friendly sanitation solutions are essential for reducing the environmental footprint of human activities. They help conserve water, minimize waste, and reduce the use of harmful chemicals, contributing to a healthier planet. Despite the clear benefits, the path to sustainable sanitation is


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The future of hygiene: antimicrobial materials in bathroom design

Hygiene has always been a cornerstone of bathroom design, but in recent years, it has taken on new significance. With the rise of global health concerns, the de
Hygiene has always been a cornerstone of bathroom design, but in recent years, it has taken on new significance. With the rise of global health concerns, the demand for surfaces that can inhibit the growth of harmful microbes has skyrocketed. Bathrooms, being high-moisture environments, are particularly susceptible to the proliferation of bacteria and mold, making them a critical focus for hygiene innovation. Antimicrobial materials are substances that are treated with or inherently possess properties to resist and inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, mold, and fungi. These

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