Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Härmo Lehtsalu

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
construction and real estate, construction and real estate services

MÕIGU EHITUSKOONDIS AS's activity report 2022

The main activity of AS Mõigu Ehituskoondis is the development, management, leasing and management of real estate objects. AS Mõigu Ehituskoondis had a sales revenue of 3.1 (2021: 3.0) million euros and a profit of 1.4 (2021: 1.2) million euros in 2022. euros. In the reporting year, AS Mõigu Ehituskoondis was engaged in the leasing and management of existing real estate objects. The occupancy rate of the company's rental spaces was 99%. In the reporting year, AS Mõigu Ehituskoondis completed the construction of the Kanali tee 12 stock-office. The mentioned object was completed in April

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