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corrections, Magento, vue storefront integration, omnichannel sale, pwa development, customer information management, valuation of product information, Economic software, updating, Construction, development and maintenance of the e-shop. Magento. Flash-fast e-shops.

CITYSHOP OÜ's activity report 2022

OÜ CityShop was established on 01.02.2017. The legal address of the company is Kesakanni tn. 40, Tartu City, 51011 In 2022, the main focus was on the stability of the company. New clients were actively sought, various subcontractors were involved in both sales promotion and service provision. The base of services offered and the focus were expanded. In addition to technical programming, the main focus has shifted to managing e-commerce projects and consultations. The biggest cooperation partners are Catalogue Shop, ItShop, WebShop Interior, Rohesaba, Ebritt, Megapidu. In addition to the

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