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Jaan Sepp

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
plant cultivation, Estonian Agriculture, logging, forest management services, sustainable crop farming, crop production Estonia, Estonian agriculture industry, logging services Estonia, Estonia farming practices, forestry operations Estonia

Maximizing crop yields with advanced soil management

Soil health is the foundation of productive agriculture. Healthy soil supports plant growth by providing essential nutrients, water, and a stable structure. It also plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, affecting water quality, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. Different soil types, from sandy to clay, have unique properties that influence water retention, nutrient availability, and crop suitability. Recognizing and understanding these characteristics is vital for effective soil management. Key Components of Advanced Soil Management Regular soil testing is a critical step in advanced


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The future of forestry: eco-friendly logging practices

Forests are not just timber reserves; they are complex ecosystems that play a vital role in the global environment. Sustainable forestry is about balancing the
Forests are not just timber reserves; they are complex ecosystems that play a vital role in the global environment. Sustainable forestry is about balancing the need for wood products with the preservation of forest health and diversity. It ensures that forest resources are available for future generations while maintaining biodiversity, productivity, and ecological processes. Traditional logging often involves clear-cutting, which can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water pollution. These practices can have a detrimental impact on the environment and contribute

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