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Kersti Vannas

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
expectations for the employer, employer branding seminars, work expectations survey, competitive employer analysis, attractive employers day, recruitment marketing awards kickoff, world employer branding day, brand book, strategies, Market research

Why your employer brand book matters more than ever

In the past, employer branding was often an afterthought, a byproduct of product marketing or corporate branding. However, in today's competitive job market, employer branding has emerged as a strategic imperative. It's a way for companies to differentiate themselves, not just to customers, but to current and potential employees as well. An employer brand book is a comprehensive guide that outlines a company's employer branding strategy. It includes the mission, vision, core values, and the unique value proposition offered to employees. It serves as a blueprint for how the company should be


kõik artiklid

The art of crafting an authentic employer brand visual identity

Employer branding is the process of managing and influencing your company's reputation as an employer among job seekers, employees, and key stakeholders. It is
Employer branding is the process of managing and influencing your company's reputation as an employer among job seekers, employees, and key stakeholders. It is a crucial aspect of a company's overall brand strategy, encompassing everything from the recruitment process to the work environment and company culture. A strong employer brand can significantly impact your ability to attract and retain top talent. In today's competitive job market, a well-crafted employer brand can differentiate your company from competitors, reduce hiring costs, and improve employee engagement and productivity.

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