To see more information:
Tahad tagasilinke enda veebilehele?

The backlinks that lead the visitor to your website are numerous throughout the entire business media page.

Müügipakkumised kliendisegmendile

By publishing sales offers and discount campaigns, it is possible to get closer to a potential customer group at exactly the right time and in the right place and without time restrictions.

Tahad 3x rohkem müügivihjeid?

Business media page sample is free and does not oblige you to do anything. You can get high-quality digital marketing at an affordable price.

Krediidi- ja finantstaust

With the help of unique technology, the credit and financial background also reaches external systems (ERP, CRM, etc.) for every employee to use and make more informed decisions

Efektiivne võlahaldus

We provide full services from credit sales to cash collection. Debt portfolio analysis, credit monitoring, chain method collection, debt disclosures, court proceedings etc

Turvavõrk (tugiteenused)

Credit management support services help to prevent debtors' risky behavior in the entire credit sales chain.

Ühe sekundi taustakontroll

Within one second, the credit score and free credit limit provide you with important information before each business transaction.

Mis on Storybook WEB?

Important information is with you everywhere on the web and in web applications – whether you shop on web, apply for a job, read online media, etc.

Andmed CRM-s ilma andmeliideseta

With just one click, you can see important information about the e-store owner, employer, business partner, competitor, decision makers.

Rahvusvaheline Storybook WEB

All websites and search engines show information about the credibility of the page owner (scores, comments, etc.)

Oled teenusepakkuja?

Private and public procurements in your mailbox! Join Stroybook and you can always be the first among providers. If desired, negotiate directly with the Customer.

Otsid teenusepakkujat?

Choose a keyword or field (for example "ehitus") from whom you would like to receive a quote and send them your procurement invitation by e-mail.


Sulev Sannik

Corporate finance and assets
The average monthly turnover of companies is EUR, profit margin 0%, forecast turnover in 2025 . Real estate as of...

Turnover prognosis 2024

64,716 €

by 40 % compared to the last year

Total average monthly turnover

6,085 €

Available credit: 2,600 €

Gross profits 2024

119,881 €

Retained profits:
90,400 € (75 %)
Net profits:
29,481 € (25 %)

Balance sheet total 2024

125,659 €

Profit margin 2024

0 %
100 %


1 € assets to cover short-term liabilities

16,96 €

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\n Tahad tagasilinke enda veebilehele?\n <\/div>\n

Tagasilinke, mis viivad k\u00fclastaja teie veebilehele,<\/strong> on hulgaliselt \u00fcle terve \u00e4rimeedialehe nii Storybookis kui Inforegistris.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

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\n M\u00fc\u00fcgipakkumised kliendisegmendile\n <\/div>\n

M\u00fc\u00fcgipakkumistega on v\u00f5imalik j\u00f5uda potentsiaalsele kliendigrupile l\u00e4hemale \u00f5igel ajal ja \u00f5iges kohas ning ilma ajaliste piiranguteta.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_51203148_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Tahad 3x rohkem m\u00fc\u00fcgivihjeid?\n <\/div>\n

Sinu firma \u00e4rimeedialehe n\u00e4idis on tasuta<\/strong> ja see ei kohusta Sind millekski. Kvaliteetse digiturunduse saad k\u00e4tte taskukohase hinnaga.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_00562426_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Krediidi- ja finantstaust\n <\/div>\n

Unikaalse tehnoloogia abil j\u00f5uab krediidi- ja finantstaust ka v\u00e4listesse s\u00fcsteemidesse (ERP, CRM jt), mida saavad kasutada k\u00f5ik firma t\u00f6\u00f6tajad.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_45794319_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Efektiivne v\u00f5lahaldus\n <\/div>\n

T\u00e4isteenused alates krediitm\u00fc\u00fcgist kuni rahalaekumiseni. V\u00f5laportfelli anal\u00fc\u00fcs, krediidij\u00e4relvalve, ketimeetodil inkasso, v\u00f5la avalikustamine.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_41533814_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Turvav\u00f5rk (tugiteenused)\n <\/div>\n

Krediidijuhtimise tugiteenused aitavad ennetada v\u00f5lglaste riskik\u00e4itumist terves krediitm\u00fc\u00fcgi ahelas.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_67393617_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n \u00dche sekundi taustakontroll\n <\/div>\n

\u00dche sekundi jooksul<\/strong> annab krediidiskoor ja vaba krediidilimiit Sulle k\u00e4tte olulise info enne igat \u00e4ritehingut.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n

\n \"headernotification_85990590_m_xl.png\"\n\n \n <\/div>\n
\n Mis on Storybook WEB?\n <\/div>\n

Oluline info on alati Sinuga kaasas<\/strong> igalpool veebis \u2013 just seal, kus ostled v\u00f5i otsid tooteid; kandideerid t\u00f6\u00f6le v\u00f5i teed t\u00f6\u00f6d; loed online meediat vms.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n \n Vaata\n <\/a>\n <\/div>\n


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