Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Roman Dolinchuk

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
shops for automotive goods and parts, car goods stores Tallinn, car repair and service, exhaust welding and repair, tire change services, accessory for the car, wholesale of automotive goods and spare parts, muffler welding, filling and maintenance of air conditioning, full technical service

How to choose the right tyres for your vehicle

Choosing the right tyres for your vehicle begins with understanding the different types available. There are all-season tyres, which are designed to handle a variety of road conditions; summer tyres, which offer optimal performance in warm weather; and winter tyres, which provide better grip in cold and snowy conditions. Additionally, there are performance tyres for sports cars and off-road tyres for vehicles that venture beyond paved roads. Every vehicle has a recommended tyre size and specifications that ensure optimal performance and safety. These specifications are usually found in the


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The importance of regular wheel alignment

Wheel alignment, also known as tire alignment, is a standard part of vehicle maintenance that involves adjusting the angles of the wheels to the car manufacture
Wheel alignment, also known as tire alignment, is a standard part of vehicle maintenance that involves adjusting the angles of the wheels to the car manufacturer's specifications. The purpose is to ensure that the tires make optimal contact with the road and the vehicle travels straight without pulling to one side. Common signs that your vehicle may need a wheel alignment include uneven tire wear, the vehicle pulling to one side, a crooked steering wheel when driving straight, and a decrease in fuel efficiency. Benefits of Regular Wheel Alignment Properly aligned wheels can significantly

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