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Immanuel Poltimäe

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fragrance machines, smells, creation of fragrance solutions, scent marketing solutions, aroma marketing, fragrance systems, improve customer experience with scent, retail scent solutions, restaurant fragrance systems, hotel scent marketing

Creating signature scents: a guide for businesses

The sense of smell is one of the most powerful human senses, directly connected to the limbic system, which processes emotions and memories. This makes scent a potent tool for businesses to create a lasting impression on their customers. Signature scents can serve as an integral part of a brand's identity, much like a logo or color scheme. They can evoke emotions, convey brand values, and create an immersive brand experience. Developing Your Signature Scent Understanding your brand's core values and message is crucial in developing a scent that aligns with your identity. This involves


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5 ways scent can influence customer behavior

Imagine walking into a space where a subtle, inviting fragrance greets you, enhancing your mood and drawing you deeper into the environment. This is the power o
Imagine walking into a space where a subtle, inviting fragrance greets you, enhancing your mood and drawing you deeper into the environment. This is the power of scent marketing, a strategy that can significantly influence customer behavior and decision-making. In this blog post, we'll explore five ways scent can shape the customer experience and drive business success. 1. Enhancing Brand Identity and Memory Developing a unique fragrance that represents a brand can create a powerful and memorable sensory signature. This olfactory branding helps customers associate a particular scent with

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