Average salary of companies
No change in average salary
was found
Forecast profit per employee for companies
Profit margin -,
no margin change found
Total number of employees in companies
- employees
Compared to the previous quarter
the number of employees has not changed
Labor taxes paid by companies
No change
in labor taxes was found
Total job offers in year
0 job offers
of which 0 are active0 job offers
of which 0 are active
Tigran Voskanjan
Business management timelineDropdown
30.09.2024 - ...
Board member
No visible business activity.
No employees have been hired.
Krediidiskoor: 0.01
10.04.2024 - ...
Board member
Labor taxes 10 € - 9999 € per year.
No employees have been hired.
Turnover € 100,000 - € 999,000 per year.
Krediidiskoor: 0.04
20.11.2019 - ...
Board member
Labor taxes 10 € - 9999 € per year.
Less than 10 employees.
Krediidiskoor: 0.01
12.02.2019 - 12.03.2024
Board member
Unsubmitted annual reports.
Deleted from the Business Register.
Krediidiskoor: 0.00