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Peeter Rikand

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cars and car supplies, Car goods and parts stores, Car Demolition, repair and maintenance, repair and maintenance of air conditioners, Repair of engines and gearboxes, tirework, car maintenance services, used car parts, tire services

The ultimate guide to eco-friendly car demolition

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of human activities, the automotive industry is no exception. Car demolition, a necessary process for end-of-life vehicles, is undergoing a transformation towards sustainability. This guide delves into the practices that make car demolition eco-friendly, ensuring that we protect our planet while dealing with automotive waste. The Importance of Sustainable Practices in Car Demolition Sustainable car demolition is not just a trend; it's a necessity. By adopting eco-friendly methods, we can minimize the environmental footprint


kõik artiklid

Engine rebuild or replace: what's best for your car?

When your car's engine starts to fail, you're faced with a critical decision: should you rebuild the engine or replace it entirely? This choice can have signifi
When your car's engine starts to fail, you're faced with a critical decision: should you rebuild the engine or replace it entirely? This choice can have significant implications for your vehicle's performance, longevity, and your wallet. Understanding the Basics An engine rebuild involves disassembling the engine down to its core components, cleaning them, replacing damaged or worn parts, and reassembling the engine. It's a labor-intensive process that can restore engine performance and extend its life. Replacing an engine means removing the old engine from your vehicle and installing a new

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